Silo-Schweißtechnik Silo-Reparatur an einem Schüttgut-Lagertank

Silo-Schweißtechnik Silo-Reparatur an einem Schüttgut-Lagertank

In silo access technology, we carry out rapid repair work using welding and bonding. We repair your silo system quickly and safely without additional installations such as scaffolding technology.

Do you need your silo system or bulk storage facility repaired quickly? Then you’ve come to the right place. Our company specializes exclusively in silo and tank systems. For us, this area is not a marginal phenomenon but a daily job.

We weld on your bulk storage tanks and silo systems quickly and extremely cost-effectively compared to alternative technologies such as costly scaffolding or silo assembly.

Electrode welding (also known as manual arc welding, stick electrode welding or manual electric arc welding) is usually the first welding process that welders are taught during their training. It is easy to learn, but already provides an insight into how welding equipment works and the relationship between metals and electrical voltage.

Welding with a stick electrode offers numerous advantages over MIG/MAG and TIG processes. In principle, almost all materials can be electrode welded. The process is mainly used in steel and pipeline construction, but also in the metalworking trade and industry. Manual metal arc welding allows any type of weld seam and position – whether in constrained positions or overhead, vertical seams or trap welding. In addition, the welder is independent of shielding gases and can easily work outdoors – even in unfavorable weather conditions such as wind or rain.

Manual arc welding requires a low voltage and high amperage. The welding unit converts the existing mains voltage into a much lower welding voltage. At the same time, it supplies the required amperage, which can also be used to adjust and regulate the power source.

In manual electric welding, the amperage is the most important parameter for the quality of the joints. It must therefore remain as constant as possible, even if the arc length changes. To ensure this, current sources for electrode welding always have falling characteristic curves.

Advantages of electrode welding

  • Easy handling
  • Location-independent and universally applicable: in the workshop, outdoors, under water
  • Low noise pollution
  • Low acquisition costs
  • Protection of the weld seam through slag formation
  • Relative insensitivity to contamination such as rust, scale, oils, greases
  • Almost all metallic materials can be welded
  • High weld seam quality and high mechanical quality values

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