Accident response in NRW: cleaning the inside of the kiln for safe restoration of the lime industry plant

Accident response in NRW: cleaning the inside of the kiln for safe restoration of the lime industry plant

Report on the risk prevention silo cleaning / emergency operation for the German lime industry in NRW special kiln plant

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At the site of a kiln system for the production of quicklime, the system operator had to carry out a clean-up. However, the kiln area had build-up in the form of cornices that prevented safe internal work in the kiln area. In order to be able to refurbish the plant without risk, our emergency team was called out to clean the inside of the kiln and remove the hazardous areas.

The biggest challenge of the operation was that the furnace area was very narrow in places, which made working difficult. The original plan was to carry out a blasting operation to remove the build-up. In the end, however, this was avoided as the build-up could be removed manually without any problems. The emergency operation was successfully completed after a few hours and our emergency team was able to leave again.

The risks to employees during the renovation of a furnace system are very high. First and foremost, there is a risk of being injured by the heat.

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However, the risk of dust and noise pollution as well as injuries from sharp edges and corners must also be taken into account. For safety and occupational safety reasons, special precautions must therefore be taken to minimize the risk to employees.

The safety of employees is of paramount importance to the plant operator and client. Compliance with all safety standards and the avoidance of sources of danger are essential in order to minimize the risk to employees. At the same time, the work must be organized in such a way that it can be carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Overall, the emergency operation for the German lime industry at the NRW kiln plant was successful and was completed quickly and safely despite the difficult working conditions. The cooperation between the emergency team and the plant operator was smooth and effective, which helped to ensure that everyone involved remained unharmed.

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