PFAS decontamination, laboratory analysis and expert report management in one of the largest chemical plants in southern Germany
PFAS contamination requires a special operation that can only be carried out by specialists. These experts must be able to carry out decontamination in accordance with laboratory requirements. Comprehensive written documentation of the work carried out must then be prepared. This serves as evidence for the plant operator in order to obtain official approvals for further operating licenses. Only a few specialist companies in Germany have the necessary expertise to carry out such complex work.
General conditions on site during the assignment
Two of our teams were busy with the extensive work at the plant operator for a total of two weeks. The weather conditions were pleasant for the time of year. This meant that wearing the necessary protective clothing during the assignment was no problem for our well-trained employees.

What was our mission?
In one of the largest chemical plants in southern Germany, we were commissioned to remove PFAS contamination from the foam-carrying stationary tank systems and pipes in accordance with the legal prohibition standards. Decontaminating the fire engines in the company’s fleet of PFAS residues was the second part of our assignment. All work must be demonstrably carried out in the laboratory. Only then is the operator’s continued license to operate the systems assured.

How was the order carried out by our employees?
When our specialists arrived on site, the tank systems were visually clean and free of dirt and dust, as can be seen in the pictures. The tricky thing is that the actual danger is not visible, as dangerous PFAS residues can diffuse into the tank and silo walls. Where amateur cleaners consider their work to be finished, the professionals from NT-Service start the real work. PFAS contamination is a major hazard for people and the environment. That is why wearing protective equipment cat. II is essential for the work.
The work begins with an assessment of the facilities and the creation of an exemplary safety and rescue concept, which is carefully documented by the team leader. Only then may the decontamination expert enter the tank system from the outside. Inhalation and contact with PFAS contaminants is a health hazard. Protective clothing and supervision of the activities by the team are therefore essential. The work must be carried out with the greatest possible care. For the plant decontamination, the measured value reduction for PFAS exclusion was a thousand times lower than the value before work began. This challenge posed no problem for the team of experts at NT-Service GmbH
What is special about PFAS decontamination?
In past decades, polyfluorinated alkyl compounds (PFAS) were regarded as miracle products due to their chemical properties. They are water, grease and heat repellent and were used in many areas. Extinguishing foams containing PFAS were particularly popular for firefighting in foam tank and silo systems used by fire departments. The dangers to human health and the environment were only recognized late.
PFAS residues cannot be washed off. They diffuse into the walls of tanks and silos. Due to the high health hazards, only barely measurable tolerance values in the range of a few µg/kg are permissible in the context of laboratory decontamination. The legal regulations responsible for this are becoming ever stricter

What special features were noteworthy during the operation?
There are not many companies in Germany that are able to carry out PFAS decontamination professionally in accordance with legal requirements. NT Service GmbH has been successfully active in this difficult business field for more than 10 years. Our experts are comprehensively trained and have both the technical equipment and the necessary qualifications to carry out these highly complex jobs.
Together with the customer, we inspected the systems to be cleaned. The laboratory-compliant decontamination work was then carried out to the complete satisfaction of the plant operator. The written documentation of the work was completed in accordance with the legal requirements. This means that the operating license for the plant operator is also secured for the future.