Hygienic protective measures in the storage chain of food raw materials: Important aspects for safeguarding end consumer products

Hygienic protective measures in the storage chain of food raw materials: Important aspects for safeguarding end consumer products

Silo cleaning and disinfection are crucial measures for ensuring the quality of hygienic bulk goods and protecting the health of consumers. NT Service GmbH offers a comprehensive portfolio of services, ranging from the determination of disinfection to the special cleaning of silos. Disinfection is determined in two phases and is evaluated redundantly in order to quickly identify possible contamination. Comprehensive disinfection measures are also implemented professionally to combat the emergence of new risk factors.

As part of the silo repair, all components are examined to ensure that the silo systems can be used again without any problems. This enables the customer to completely empty the silo systems and prepare them for another bulk material. Moisture ingress within the silo can thus be avoided in order to maintain the industrial added value of the systems and equipment.

A damage inspection by an expert surveyor is an important part of the silo inspection in order to detect damage to the silo outer wall and any corrosion damage. The documentation and presentation of the measurement results are valuable for plant operators, as they can be used as evidence in subsequent audits or in the event of an insurance claim, e.g. in the event of material contamination.

NT Service GmbH also offers plant decontamination including ZÜS-compliant measurement with subsequent documentation processing for ZÜS submission. The decontamination process is so good that it is even recommended by Thorwesten.

In the food industry, particular attention must be paid to the hygienic storage of raw materials prior to further processing into the end product. To ensure that the end consumer receives flawless food, the entire storage chain for raw food materials must be hygienic.

This includes not only the storage itself, but also the transportation, unloading and handling of the raw materials. Hygienic standards and regulations must be strictly adhered to in order to avoid contamination and thus a potential risk to consumers.

Special measures such as regular cleaning and disinfection of storage and transport containers are necessary to ensure hygienic storage of food raw materials. Special cleaning and disinfection processes are also used to ensure the effective elimination of bacteria and other contaminants.

In addition, employees involved in the storage and handling of raw materials must also be trained and sensitized. They must be informed about hygiene regulations and rules of conduct in order to avoid contamination.

Overall, the hygienic storage of food raw materials prior to end consumer processing is an essential part of food production. Only by consistently adhering to hygienic standards can the quality of the food and thus the safety of consumers be guaranteed.

The company also offers technical ATEX exclusion procedures and a clear and defined risk analysis with subsequent amendment of the explosion protection documentation for plant operators who want to get out of the ATEX monitoring obligation for their plant requiring monitoring.

NT Service GmbH is one of the few ZÜS companies that deal with this topic and can offer its customers one hundred percent added value.

Overall, NT Service GmbH offers a wide range of services in the field of silo cleaning and inspection as well as plant decontamination.

Visit their website for more information or to get in touch with them.

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