Blast cleaning in a filter dust silo in an industrial environment
Complex work was required on a filter dust silo for an industrial company. Once again, our tried and tested blast cleaning system was used successfully.

What was our mission?
In the filter dust silo of an industrial plant, stubborn clumping led to a total blockage.
total blockage. The aim of our job was to remove the blockage and empty the silo completely
silo completely without damaging the silo system.

How was the order carried out by our employees?
Using rope access technology, which has already been tried and tested thousands of times, the inside of the silo was
was entered by our employee. The boreholes were then routinely prepared
prepared and fitted with explosive charges. With his extensive experience, the
detonated the charges.
The resulting blast wave successfully removed the blockages caused by the material in the silo in the first attempt. Needless to say, neither the silo ring, walls nor fittings were damaged during the operation.

What was relevant in terms of safety during the work?
The basis for the operation was a comprehensive safety concept that was drawn up by our experts
experts before the inspection of the silo facility. This once again
once again ensured that there was no calculable risk to our employees at any point during the operation.
risk for our employees at any time during the operation. With regard to blast cleaning, we relied on the expertise
expertise of our partner company with more than 40 years of experience. When it comes to safety, we work hand in hand on every operation.

What special features had to be taken into account during the operation?
Industrial filter dust silos pose an enormous potential risk to health.
health. The reason for this is that lime is used for flue gas cleaning. This
means that this lime is saturated with all kinds of toxic pollutants. These
pollutants include heavy metals, PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrous gases and other hazardous substances.

Our service is comprehensive, secure and complex. The safety engineers
NT Service GmbH rely on comprehensive process and safety concepts that are
adapted to practical conditions at all times. Information on the qualifications of our experts can be found here: