Cleaning and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems Offshore converter station North Sea

Cleaning and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems Offshore converter station North Sea

(1) The cleaning requirement for air-conditioning systems is regulated by law. These legal regulations must be taken into account in the execution of the work. Here we give a brief overview of the scope to be covered. Air recirculation is the return of the air captured by extraction and cleaned in separators to the work area. Depending on the effectiveness of the separation, a small proportion of hazardous substances is also returned to the work area.

(2) Carcinogenic, mutagenic or fertility-toxic hazardous substances are listed in Annex VI No. 3 of Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP (EU-GHS) Regulation), TRGS 905 “List of carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductively toxic substances” or TRGS 906 “List of carcinogenic activities or processes according to Section 3 Paragraph 2 No. 3 of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances”. As a rule, they are labeled H350i (R 45, R 49) for carcinogenic substances, H340 (R 46) for mutagenic substances and H360 (R 60, R 61) for substances that are hazardous to fertility. The consideration limits for the classification of mixtures must be observed (see also Article 11 of the CLP Regulation and number 4 of TRGS 905).

(3) Suspended dust is a dispersed distribution of solid substances in the air. This can be caused by mechanical, thermal or chemical processes.

(4) Devices and systems for extracting hazardous substances have a collection device and a separator. Such devices and systems can be operated either mobile or stationary. In extraction devices and systems, an air flow with a relatively high concentration of hazardous substances is sucked in and cleaned of the hazardous substances. In contrast, in air conditioning systems, an air flow with a relatively low concentration of hazardous substances is conveyed due to the dilution in the room.

(5) A collection device is a collection element, e.g. a nozzle plate, or another device that ensures targeted collection of the air flow containing hazardous substances at the point of origin.

(6) Separation takes place in filters (storage filters or cleanable filters), mass force separators, scrubbers or similar devices.

(7) In all other respects, the terms used in this TRGS are as they are defined in the “Glossary of terms for the regulations of the Industrial Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV), the Biological Agents Ordinance (BioStoffV) and the

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Air extractor large room fan with cleaning applicator for pipe cleaning

Gefahrstoffverordnung(GefStoffV) “1 of the ABAS, ABS and AGS. Limits for air recirculation

(1) Air recirculation is not permitted under any circumstances for activities involving hazardous substances for which there are regulations under Section 16 in conjunction with Annex II Numbers 2 and 6 of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances.

(2) According to Section 10 Paragraph 5 of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances, air recirculation is not permitted. There are exceptions, which are described in Paragraphs 5 to 7.

(3) The purified air must be discharged to the outside as exhaust air, provided that this is operationally possible and proportionate.

(4) The purified air must be discharged to the outside as exhaust air, provided that heat recovery via heat recovery systems is operationally possible and proportionate. Air recirculation is permitted during the heating period, subject to Paragraph 6, provided that heat recovery is not possible.

(5) If exhaust air operation is not technically feasible, e.g. because the device is operated at a different location or exhaust air ducts cannot be routed appropriately (e.g. crane operation), air recirculation is permitted in compliance with paragraph 6.

(6) In the case of suspended dust, air recirculation is only permitted if procedures or devices recognized by the authorities or by the statutory accident insurance providers are used (see Section 10 paragraph 5 of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances).

Devices with a separation efficiency of more than 99.995 %2 , e.g. dust class H, must be used for air recirculation, unless deviating requirements are specified in substance-specific TRGS. Substance-specific regulations can be found in: – TRGS 517 “Activities with potentially asbestos-containing mineral raw materials and preparations and products made from them” – TRGS519 “Asbestos: Demolition, renovation or maintenance work” – TRGS 521 “Demolition, renovation and maintenance work with old mineral wool” – TRGS 528 “Welding work” – TRGS553 “Wood dust” -TRGS 554 “Exhaust gases from diesel engines” -TRGS 559 “Mineral dust”

(7) Tested industrial vacuum cleaners or vacuum sweepers of dust class H must be used for cleaning work, unless deviating requirements for air recirculation are specified in substance-specific TRGS.

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System inspection and cleaning of a supply air shaft

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